Vivace! Choir

Welcome to the home of Vivace! - "A Good Choir For Good Causes"

Vivace! is a small, Sussex based choir of mixed voices supporting good causes.

New Singers!

The choir are seeking a tenor & a bass who can follow music and hold a line against other parts. Please contact us for further information if you are interested in joining the choir.

Date of Next Concert

Date: Sunday 23rd March 2025
Time: 2:00pm
Location: Kings Weald Community Centre, Burgess Hill RH15 0GB
In Support Of: Age UK
Tickets: £12.00 from Kings Weald reception on 01444 220171

Music Director

Cara Barseghian Cara Barseghian is a local Professional Singer and Choir Leader. As well as leading several choirs, she runs workshops in the community for all ages from babies to octogenarians and beyond! Cara performs as a solo recitalist, is a member of Early Music choirs Bunch of Daph's and The Harmonia Trio, and is one third of satirical cabaret trio The Cocktail Party

Would you like to book Vivace! for a charity / fundraising event?.

If you have a worthwhile charity to promote in or around Sussex, we would be delighted to provide a low cost choir for a fundraising concert or event. Please contact us for further information and details on how to book Vivace! for your event.

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